Love Spell

My trials and tribulations with taken men. The names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent.

Monday, August 30, 2004

The story behind the story

I have known for a long time that taken men are attracted to me. The first time that one approached me I was only seventeen. As the years have gone by, the attraction has gotten worse, to the point that one of the first things I ask when a guy starts hitting on me is, “Are you married, engaged, or in any other way seriously committed to someone else?” Far too often, the answer is that they are married. The question, “Are you single?” doesn’t cut it with these men. Too many see themselves as single if there is not a wedding band on their finger. Others, I know up front that they are married, and they just don’t care. In some cases, I have even known their wives/girlfriends!

The things that happen to me are things that I truly thought only happened to people in the movies or in books. Same with a lot of my friends—they likely wouldn’t believe these things if they hadn’t seen how taken men react to me, firsthand.

I travel quite a bit with my job, and I always return with at least one story of some guy making a fool of himself. The more I tell my friends, the more they keep telling me that I need to write it down, put it in a book, something. So, with lack of time to concentrate on writing a book at the moment, I am going to write everything here. If one of these days I have some spare time (yeah, right) and feel the need to get published, everything will be here, with all the sordid details, waiting to be arranged into book format.


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